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Retelling a Story - How Matariki Came to Be
The Story of Tanemahuta, Papatuanuku, and Ranginui is a beautiful one - rich with opportunities to use descriptive, and emotive language.
Art: “Triumph” by Jane Crisp
Your task today is to retell this story - based on what you learnt yesterday from the
video we watched, and the story you read today
you will retell the story from a different perspective.
Perspective is the point of view of a character. Instead of telling the story like you are a ”fly on the wall” you are telling the story as if you were that character.
Choose one of these characters to write from the perspective of;
Ranginui, or Papatuanuku
What was the word like for me before the separation? Calm |
How did I feel once the separation happened? I felt very emotional |
What kind of emotive, or descriptive words can I use to show how I felt? Devastated, unhappy, miserable, down, heart, broken, sad, lonely |
Matariki Questions
How did Papatuanuku, and Ranginui become separated? The mighty tane mahuta god of the forest lay on his back and dug his shoulders deep into his mother body with his legs tane pushed him against his father and tore them apart
Where does the name Matariki come from? Eyes of god
What time of the year does Matariki happen? Sometimes in june or july each year mid winter
What part of the sky does Matariki appear in? North east
What does the article say Matariki is time for? Communities come together and celebrate a new year of matariki
What do these Te Reo Maori words mean?
whānau | Family |
tupuna | grandparents |
rongoā | Medicine |
waiata | Song |
mokopuna | grandchild |
Name each of the seven stars that make up the Matariki star cluster. Tupu A nuku Tupua rangi waiti waita waipuna rangi ururangi.Matariki,pohutukawa,hiwa-e-te-rangi-
What are the lessons we learn from each of them? The journey taken by these stars across the sky is also about whānau it is to come and visit their tupuna wahine great grandmother, Papatūānuku
Which of these stars best represents the role you play in your whānau?
Explain why in a PEEL Paragraph.
Tupu a nuku represents the importance of sharing our gifts with others, and appreciating those shared with us.