Friday, 14 August 2020

Fri: Response to text

1. What cultures are said to have influenced capoeira?

a) African and Burmese b) American and Brazilian
c) African and Brazilian d) American and Burmese

2. In what year did the Rio Festival begin?

a) 1720 b) 1721
c) 1722 d) 1723

3. In Samba, requires a fairly still upper body with arms and hands responding to the...?

a) finger and toe movements b) hip and leg movements
c) eye and hand movements d) left and right movements

4. How many people can the Rio Carnival attract per year?

a) 2 million b) 2 billion
c) 2 trillion d) 2 quillion

5. When was the samba said to have been created?

a) 1700s b) 1800s
c) 1900s d) 2000s

6. Why is capoeira said to have derived from martial arts?
 multi-ethnic community, constantly threatened by Portuguese colonial troops,
capoeira evolved from a survival tool to a martial art focused on war.

7. Why do you think the Rio festival attracts so many people?

 Rio Carnival attracts 6 million participants, with 2 million people on the streets
every day during the festivities. With roughly 1.5 million tourists joining in with
the celebrations.

8. Why is the Brazillian dance samba said to have African roots?

  During the mid 19th century, the word referred to several types of music made by African slaves. 

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